It’s back to school time you realize as you head through the grocery stores and see all the bins filled with school supplies on sale. Homeschooling moms need a cheat sheet to remember what they need for back-to-school in their own home school this year.
There are so many different ways to teach children about our amazing 50 states that make up the USA. You can blaze a new trail in your studies or come at it from a different angle. Here are some creative ways to discover our Fifty-Nifty United States.
Florida has the best beaches of all! And the prettiest blue skies. I’ve visited beaches in Cancun, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, Delaware, New Jersey, Long Island, Cape Cod, and San Diego. None compare to Florida’s beaches or her beautiful blue skies. Maybe because her beaches are etched in my heart.
Let’s be honest–Men can be hard to shop for. I can’t tell you how many ties and T-shirts I’ve give for Christmas. So I made a list of myself this Christmas and I’m sharing it with you! Here’s some great Christmas ideas for the men in your life.
It all started with the Byzantine Empire. I was teaching a class online. I wanted to make a mosaic with the children. Each of us working on our own mosaic right on Zoom. After all the religious Byzantines are famous for their beautiful mosaics of scenes from Scripture inside their gorgeous churches.
Before I started homeschooling, I read several books but none of them mentioned the shocking fruit of homeschooling: piles of papers, thousands of books, art supplies, completed projects with no place to live, and mess everywhere. Even having a homeschool room didn’t seem to help me get everything organized.
If you are teaching geography this year, start right in your neighborhood with landforms, fauna (animals), flora (plants), and climate/weather. If you are on break or not teaching geography this year, whet your children’s appetite for geography by observing and exploring the geography all around you.
Hurricanes are just part of living in Florida. We get a little concerned when a big one is coming our way, but we don’t worry. We know the drill. Get your supplies. Batten down the hatches and settle in to ride out the storm or evacuate if needed.
Googled “ruins near me” and guess what? That’s how my daughter found some old sugar mill and fort ruins we explored. It’s so fun to explore the ruins and imagine what life was like a century or two earlier.
For years I have taken one week each summer and planned out the entire school year. Setting aside this week enables me to stay on target for the whole year. It is worth the time and mess to tackle the year all at once.