It’s back to school time you realize as you head through the grocery stores and see all the bins filled with school supplies on sale. Homeschooling moms need a cheat sheet to remember what they need for back-to-school in their own home school this year.
Suburbs became popular in the 1950s with a fascinating history involving trains! When we studied the sixth decade (1950s) in our adventure of HIS Story of the 20th Century, creating our own suburbs was one of our favorite activities! We had a blast designing the perfect community!
The great thing about movies is that they bring another place and time alive for the whole family. We can enjoy Prince Edward Island with Anne or experience the danger of World War I with Sergeant York. We can cheer Eric Liddell on in Chariots of Fire and hope racial tensions will be overcome in…
A lazy day of couch potato homeschooling turned into a beneficial learning experience that we have repeated many times.
Just south of Daytona Beach, Ponce Inlet is home to Florida’s tallest lighthouse. It’s 175 feet tall! Climbing to the top up the 203 steps is quite a workout, but the view is magnificent.
Gardening is really popular right now. Are you a Mom who loves to garden? Show these gift ideas to your family! Is your mom an avid gardener? Here are some great ideas for Mother’s Day giving!
The British Museum, dedicated to human history, art, and culture, is located in London. British archaeologists have brought back treasures from all over the world to England. This massive building contains a fascinating collection of artifacts, statues, books, manuscripts, coins, metals, and so much more. You can see all these treasures at the British Museum.
September 6 is National Read-A-Book-Day – a great day to celebrate! I love reading and have a massive collection of books, so this is a holiday near and dear to my heart. It’s also a great holiday for homeschoolers to celebrate. After all, we love books!
Over the years of homeschooling, we have discovered all kinds of products, maps, and books that have enriched our world geography studies. We have gathered our favorites and created our own collection of excellent and inspiring geography resources.
If you are teaching geography this year, start right in your neighborhood with landforms, fauna (animals), flora (plants), and climate/weather. If you are on break or not teaching geography this year, whet your children’s appetite for geography by observing and exploring the geography all around you.