This is a picture of inside Tso-Ying’s palace in The Legend of the Craftsman King.
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At a camp on a Caribbean island with forty orphans, the Noland kids discover a two-century-old riddle that leads to something more than a pirate’s treasure and realize that life is not always Paradise.
The dark, mysterious history of Paradise Cove is complexly entwined with its foreboding future. So Caleb, David, and Lizzy must unravel the hidden (and, yes, at times very dangerous!) secrets of this little tropical island before utter evil is unleashed and the lives of these orphans, and more, are lost!
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In search of their father who has gone missing, the Noland kids travel to Viet Nam’s world-famous Phong Nha cave system but find themselves in a whole new world vastly different from their own and on the brink of disaster.
Enmeshed in a deep history of distrust and feud, three tribal leaders guard their land, traditions, and possessions with a jealous eye and a misplaced focus. But can the Nolands shine truth in this maze of dark, twisted lies and find a way out before these primitive civilizations self-destruct?
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Twelve-year-old Lens’ parents have gone missing in their search for a lost city. The Noland kids, Caleb, David, and Lizzy, now eight years older since their last adventure, suspend their missions trip in the Congo to help find them. But dangers lurk around every corner and the quest seems doomed from the start.
With incredible odds stacked against them and an unexpected enemy endangering their search, the Noland kids must uncover the dusty clues to this ancient city and discover its long, lost light in order to rescue Lens’ parents… and themselves!
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After moving into a newly inherited house, the Noland kids discover clues to a supposed treasure hidden by their great-great-grandfather. But when town rumors and some spiteful neighbors suggest foul play was involved, Caleb and David set out on a quest to prove otherwise.
With unexpected dangers looming large and threatening their mission, can the Noland kids discover the mysterious treasure or whatever lies at the end of their treacherous venture, before time runs out and all is lost?
Some reviews from the readers:
“This book, The Key House, will get your child’s attention from page 1. It is filled with amazing adventure, page after page. Your pre-teen or teen will not want to put this book down… If I was giving this book a stars rating, I would go over and above the 5 stars. It truly is that good!” –Pam Collins, The Gift of Simple blogsite
“Very well written with obvious thought as the story unfolds… This story captures the reader right away in Chapter 1… This is an excellent read. I will be looking for the next book in the series.” –Leanne B., Certified secondary teacher of 25+ years
“Mike Curtis’ clear, fast-paced writing style worked great for this book. I’m looking forward to reading more by him in the future.” –Kristina Hall, author, Promises Unbroken
“It was an excellent book, and I can’t wait for the next book. It was very well written and easy to read. I loved the characters and the chemistry between David and Caleb.” –Jenna,
“At times, I was at the edge of my seat to see what would happen next!” –Noah, 13
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