Meredith Curtis

Hi, I’m Meredith!

I teach homeschooling parents like you how to make homeschooling fun and focused on Jesus by  using living books, hands-on learning, and unit study fun to set your children up for godly success.

Download my FREE Reading List for
Middle School and
High School readers.

Reading Lists

Download my FREE
in-depth cheat sheet for

100 Homeschool Hacks

We (Meredith Curtis and Laura Nolette) strive to provide resources for your home school that are Christ-centered and fun. Our curriculum is easy to use, engaging, and effective! We go beyond boring facts to dive deep into the stories behind the facts and offer hands-on learning activities with real-life application. We know that one size does NOT fit all, so we keep our materials flexible. After all, you are the teacher!

We love reading, especially classic literature and living books. You will encounter books and reading lists throughout our materials because we firmly believe that students who love reading will thrive and succeed throughout their whole lives.

We invite you to join our community. Let’s keep in touch with each other. Subscribe to our email list to make sure you never miss one of our blogs or podcasts. When you subscribe, you’ll also get special homeschooling tips, tricks and encouragement available only to our subscribers. Your needs matter to us!

Like us on Facebook and join our Facebook Community Group: Homeschool Joy at Powerline Productions.

Laura and Meredith 2006

You may have heard Meredith or Laura speak here!

Finish Well Homeschooling High School Conference
Florida Parent Educators Association Convention
Finish Well Homeschooling Podcast at the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network
Home Education Resources & Information Conference
Southeast Homeschool Expo

I love Powerline Production books that are focused on Godly principles. I highly recommend these books for anyone serious about homeschooling.

Felice Gerwitz , Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

I absolutely love your resources! Your history is incredible. It packs a ton of academic content into fun and engaging resources.

Bonnie Rose, WriteBonnieRose
Reimagine US Geography

There are so many different ways to teach children about our amazing 50 states that make up the USA. You can blaze a new trail in your studies or come at it from a different angle. Here are some creative ways to discover our Fifty-Nifty United States.

Pop the Popcorn! Learn About the American Revolution with Videos and Audios!

Disclosure: This blog post may contain affiliate links from my participation in the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make

How I Design Our Own Homeschool High School Courses

My philosophy is to keep things as simple and happy as possible. I want life to be enjoyable for the children and for me. Learning is fun! Even in high school.


Let’s Keep In Touch!

Books by Powerline Productions

Get encouraged and equipped by our books.

Curriculum by Powerline Productions

Make boring classes loads of fun with Our Curriculum!

Bible Studies by Powerline Productions

Fill your heart and home with Jesus’ joy with Our Bible Studies