It’s graduation time. You are planning a party for your amazing son or daughter, feeling quite emotional. What about food? What should you serve your guests? Start with your…
A Coronavirus is a specific group of viruses. “Corona” means “crown” in Latin. if you look at a coronavirus under a microscope, these viruses look like a crown with little…
In our home, our children’s state history studies are ongoing. Though some of my children have devoted an entire year to Florida history, most of them have learned about our…
A college credit is usually based on the number of hours per week a student spends in class. A 3-credit class usually means three classroom hours per week. In contrast,…
Another thing I loved is the way everything is tied back to martyrs of today who are living in places where loving Jesus with all your heart could mean death!
Flu season is upon us. When we start coughing, we can panic! Do I have the flu?
"$4. Wow!" I said aloud and quickly looked to see if anyone heard me. I was in Sam's and saw the gingerbread house we had made at Christmas time for…
Your ability to see your children clearly will impact them for many years to come. Can you see clearly? I struggle to see clearly. …
Welcome to our new blog. Yes, it looks different from our old blog. We want to help you navigate your way around. Whether you are on a post…
Music: What A Wonderful Day by Shane Ivers -