Church history is filled with heroes. Even today, there are people all over the earth laying down their lives to honor Jesus and spread the good news.
What is better to celebrate than that?
At our church we usually celebrate them at the end of October because Reformation Day is a great day to celebrate and a great way to celebrate it is to celebrate Martin Luther and many other heroes for Jesus.
“What is Reformation Day and why is it a day to celebrate Martin Luther?” you may be asking. Well, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Whittenberg Church. In other words, he wrote a list of 95 things that the church was doing that were contrary to scripture. In his day if you wanted to post an announcement you would nail it to the church door. This was the beginning of The Protestant Reformation. It was called this because through protest Martin Luther and other devout Christians tried to reform the Catholic Church so that it would return to following the Word of God uncompromisingly.
What if October has passed and you haven’t had a Heroes for Jesus Party? Does that mean you need to wait till next October.
Perish the thought!
Any time is a good time for a party.
St. Valentine did wonderful things for the Kingdom of God so have a heroes for Jesus Party in February and make Valentines Day an inclusive party instead of one just for couples.
St. Patrick was a mighty man of God so have a Heroes for Jesus Party with your family and friends in March instead of going to a local bar to drink green beer. I could continue through the entire calendar providing heroes to celebrate for each month.
Check out our book on celebrating Reformation Day and heroes for Jesus, Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes by Meredith Curtis and Laura Nolette. Many heroes are listed with bios and the stories of their exploits. This book will give you great ideas for having your own parties and by reading the bios you find great alternate date to hold your party.
Even during a quarantine we can put together a Heroes for Jesus Party. We need to add a little technology and a lot of creativity. Let’s look at a few ways to make that happen.
It’s fun to make great treats to share in their house. I like to break out new recipes based on the heroes we’re celebrating. I like to prepare foods with the country of the heroes in mind. For example, Italian food for the Italian heroes, Chinese food for the missionaries to China, etc.
Your family can do research on one or more heroes. In your research find out how to put together a costume of your hero(es). Find out what they did, why they did it, and with whom they did it. If you can find a very funny or extremely interesting quick story about the hero(es).
Children and teens love to dress up and go online to connect with all the other families. FaceBook has options to do that, as do Zoom and other services and apps. During the party each family takes turns talking about their heroes. If their treats are significant, they can talk about them too!
Happy Heroes for Jesus Partying!!
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling.
Laura Nolette