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Book Review: Carole P. Roman’s “If You Were Me And Lived In…” Series

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Disclaimer: I recieved a FREE copy of these products through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.

Four more Carole P. Roman “If You Were Me And Lived In” books to add to my collection of Carole P. Roman’s assorted series! I tore open the package containing If You Were Me And Lived in France, If You Were Me And Lived in Hungary, If You Were Me And Lived in South Korea, and If You Were Me And Lived in Mexico. I put them next to my computer to read and review.

“Can you read me this book?” Rusty asked, handing me If You Were Me And Lived In France by Carole P. Roman. He had found my stash. We spent the next hour reading and rereading the whole collection. What a lovely set of picture books!

“Can you say that name again?” I would repeat the common names from the country we were reading about. I also would point to things when he asked. Rusty loved the pictures, but he especially liked learning the names of things in another language.

The “If You Were Me And Lived In” series follows a simple format for each book. Written directly to the child, the first page just has a map of the country with the capital starred. The next page tells the child that if they lived in the book’s country, they would live in a certain section of the world and a globe is shown with the country in a different color from the rest of the continent. I love that it starts out with maps!

The next page mentions the capital city and gives some interesting information about it. This is followed by a page of common girls’ and boys’ names and how to say “Mom” and “Dad” in the country’s language.

Each book moves forward talking about toys, school, interesting places to visit, holidays, and popular food.

I love the pattern of the book. You can make a narration sheet for that works for all the books!

The illustrations are cheerful and engaging for young readers. Rusty would constantly stop me and say, “Wait, is this the taco?” or “Is this his grandmother?” He really like the story and the pictures.

One thing I like is how it spoke right to the children. “If you lived in Hungary, you might be named…” That is so personal and Rusty felt that as we read together.

I know it’s a good book when my grandson wants to hear it over and over again. I know it’s an excellent book when I don’t get tired of reading it over and over again.

Yes, I have read these books many times to my grandson. They are still on his top ten list!

These books would make a great unit study. Reading the book each day for a week while each day could be different. One day you could map, another cook, and a third day try to learn the language. There is so much to springboard from in these sweet little geography picture books.

Carole P. Roman is quite a prolific writer. She has several different series for children:

  • If You Were Me and Lived In… (history series)
  • If You Were Me and Lived In… (geography series)
  • Captain No Beard stories
  • Bedtime Dream Collection
  • Oh Susannah story books

You can check out Carole P. Roman at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

I have reviewed Carole’s books before. You can read Review of Carole P. Roman’s Books & Collections here. You can read more reviews from the Review Crew on Carole P. Roman’s assorted series here.

I also want to encourage you to check out The Old Schoolhouse’s Review Crew Blog. You can read reviews on all kinds of homeschooling products for all ages.

Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!

Meredith Curtis

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