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There are Christian classics that have stood the test of time. Over the past centuries these books have been read and reread.
These books are timeless works that have inspired believers to draw closer to the Lord. You will love these books! They are definitely worth investing in. But don’t just buy them for your library; take them down and read them!
Confessions by St. Augustine
Augustine had quite a past before his conversion. However, he had a believing mother. She prayed until he gave his heart to Christ. Confessions is Augustine’s testimony. I love this book! You can purchase Confessions at Amazon.
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Paradise Lost by John Milton is a long, long, long (epic) poem about the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Lovely literature, this classic is a beautiful read. You can purchase Paradise Lost at Amazon.

Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
From colonial times through the 1800’s, every American home had a Bible and a copy of Pilgrim’s Progress, an allegory about the Christian life. Enjoyed by children and adults alike, this is a classic worth reading! You can purchase Pilgrim’s Progress at Amazon.
The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith
The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith inspires me to stand on the promises of God! You can purchase The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life at Amazon.
Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard
Another beautiful classic, Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard is another allegory where Much-Afraid learns to climb on the heights! You can purchase Hind’s Feet on High Places at Amazon.
Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray
Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray inspires me to walk in the truths of John 15, to abide in Jesus! You can purchase Abide in Christ at Amazon.
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis was birthed during World War II from a series of radio shows CS Lewis agreed to do at the request of Prime Minister Churchill and King George VI to combat the problem of young people leaving the faith in England. Many have read this book and given their heart to Christ. You can purchase Mere Christianity at Amazon.
Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis is such a creative book containing letters written by a senior demon to a junior demon just getting started ruining the life of a Christian. You can purchase Screwtape Letters at Amazon.
I hope you enjoy these amazing works by believers who are now enjoying Heaven. So glad we can enjoy their classic books until we meet them in glory.
God bless you!
Meredith Curtis