A college credit is usually based on the number of hours per week a student spends in class. A 3-credit class usually means three classroom hours per week. In contrast,…
Another thing I loved is the way everything is tied back to martyrs of today who are living in places where loving Jesus with all your heart could mean death!
Who is that man across the table? A question many 50-something-year-old
women, whose children have left the nest, find themselves asking. If they don’t
know the answer, the next few years can…
Flu season is upon us. When we start coughing, we can panic! Do I have the flu?
Disclaimer: I recieved a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor…
"$4. Wow!" I said aloud and quickly looked to see if anyone heard me. I was in Sam's and saw the gingerbread house we had made at Christmas time for…
Your ability to see your children clearly will impact them for many years to come. Can you see clearly? I struggle to see clearly. …
We’d like to introduce ourselves. We are Meredith and Laura, homeschooling moms, sisters in the Lord, and business women. You may have heard by now that we are also grandmas,…
Welcome to our new blog. Yes, it looks different from our old blog. We want to help you navigate your way around. Whether you are on a post…
Music: What A Wonderful Day by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com