A lazy day of couch potato homeschooling turned into a beneficial learning experience that we have repeated many times.
Timelines have this amazing super-power to help history people, places, and events fit together in a way that makes sense.
We decided to have our own Vaudeville show! It would be fun! Everyone would do at least one act and we would all dress up from the time period.
Let’s meet some women who impacted the world in a lasting way. These women are unique pioneers, heroes, or leaders. You will meet a scientist, nurses, missionaries, writers, national leaders, teachers, businesswomen, an astronaut, a nun, and a watchmaker.
When we first studied HIS Story of the 20th Century in our homeschool co-op, I decided to hold a couch potato marathon. We watched a TV sitcom from each decade 1950s to 1990s. I wanted to show the the fashions, hairstyles, popular slang, and fads from each decade.
When we studied art movements of the 20th Century, we enjoyed splatter painting to learn more about Abstract-Expressionistic Art.
I glanced around at the homeschool history co-op feast! It was all kinds of food from the 1940s with Sloppy Joes, Victory Garden Salad, Jell-O Salad, Tuna Noodle Casserole, and Monkey Bread. And of course, since M&M debuted in the 1940s we had to have M&Ms, too! When we create menus or cook up recipes,…
Disclaimer: I recieved a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in…
We are studying 20th Century history this year learned about the Miracle of Dunkirk, It is just one example that reminds us decisively that God still intervenes in the lives of men. He is the God of Miracles! Let me tell you the real story of the Miracle of Dunkirk.
Suburbs became popular in the 1950s with a fascinating history involving trains! When we studied the sixth decade (1950s) in our adventure of HIS Story of the 20th Century, creating our own suburbs was one of our favorite activities! We had a blast designing the perfect community!